Matthew James Didier founded The Ghosts and Hauntings Research Societies in 1997 as a resource for people interested in learning about, and looking into the experiences that the current culture feels is related to "ghostly activity". Matthew sees himself as a documentarian of these reports and stories and maintains a focus on history, folklore, and legends of ghostly things in Ontario. The site (and the people who look after it with Matthew,) maintain a neutral (or "agnostic") standpoint of neither belief nor non-belief in what causes these experiences.
Matthew often says that his educational background is "awful" and he does not have any degrees or post-secondary education in his preferred studies. This said, he is an active volunteer with several historical groups and even keeps one eye on the more esoteric side of ghostly things out of interest as well... but notes that, right now, there are no courses or focused classes about ghosts offered at any accredited institutions in Canada. He sees himself as a "well read amateur" at best. He has had the honour to work with members of The Society for Psychical Research, The Parapsychological Association, The Koestler Unit at University of Edinburgh, Skeptics Canada, and many others within the topic of ghosts and hauntings and associated phenomena. He is an active member of Heritage Mississauga and a War of 1812 re-enactor.
Born in 1967 in Toronto, raised there, and still residing in the city, Matthew currently works as a medical computer technician.