
We received the following account of possible poltergeist activity in March 2010.


"I have been having strange experiences for my entire life, but I put a lot of it off as a wild imagination. However, when I moved from the London area to Chatham for college in the Fall of 2006, I had two experiences which I have not been able to account for. The first event happened as I came home from school one day. I walked into the apartment, and down the hall to my bedroom. As I walked in the bedroom door, I heard a crash directly behind me. I turned around to see that my wall clock had been thrown off the wall and landed right in front of my door.The reason this experience bothered me was the fact that the clock was not on any wall touching the outer walls of the apartment. It was a wall that jutted into the apartment, separating the galley kitchen from the living room. Also, to make it to a point in front of my door, it had to fly a good 10 to 12 feet down a hallway. It landed as though someone had placed it there, the time reading exactly 3:15 pm, and the batteries were neatly lined up beside it on the right, also as though they had been placed. I ran down the hall to check on my room mate, but she wasn't home, and didn't arrive back until well after 7 pm that night.
About a week later, another object flew at me. I was laying on my living room couch, watching TV. I had an aloe vera plant that sat on a plate on the top of the TV. Note: the TV always sat a good 2 feet from the wall. Suddenly, the plant flew across the room and landed on the floor in from of my face. When I leaned over to look at it, the plant had been removed from the plastic pot it was in. The pot was turned over on the floor, with the plate centered on that, and the plant sitting on top of the plate. Since then, I've seen shadows and heard whispering once in a while. The biggest issue I have had since is if I don't go to my family's farm at least once a month, I get severe anxiety, which only goes away once I am back in the house. It got so bad that I dropped out of college and moved home. I was at home for a year with no issues, then decided to move out again. I have been living in London for two years now with minimal anxiety and no moving objects."
Webmaster's note: The above experiences sound very much like a classic poltergeist case as defined by parapsychology. They involve a young adult with a strong creative mind, who is away from the family home in a new, and strange environment coupled with the start of college, which can be stressful for most people. The objects are described as having moved in a way that defy logic yet in no way caused physical harm, which has been reported very often in cases of poltergeist activity. It is also interesting to note that the phenomenon would lessen or cease during visits home, and completely ceased after one year (an average timeline for poltergeist reports) in a new home, and when anxiety had eased.  
Our thanks go out to the witness for sharing this experience with us. If you have had a similar experience that you think may be ghost or haunting related please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Your privacy will be protected, and confidentiality is assured.