Response to Orbs
Thank you for the rebuttal.
My views on "orb photos" are just that... views. That's why I only voice it on the message board and in the editorials. I'm not trying to prove anything to myself or to others, I'm only saying that I'm very tired of people that automatically get too excited over a possible "natural" phenomena that they perceive as "supernatural".
This means I'm not a true believer in "orbs"... Some "Ghost lights" are a VERY different matter. There was a BBC television show on ghosts at Longleat castle in the 1960s and they captured TWO very odd lights. Neither of these looked like water droplets or reflections of dust but a genuine light source.
I've asked that if someone want's to change my mind about orb photos, show me an orb in daylight that is half obscured behind something.
Anyway, I digress. Counter points are good and I always say that I'm willing to have my mind changed.