We received the following report in February 2010
"When we first moved into our house I was in my room getting ready for bed when I heard what I thought was my step father talking to me, it was mumble. When I turned on my light no one was in the room, but my dogs were growling as if spooked.
Following this experience we had this little toy rocking horse that was my nieces. My Mum had bought it used, and the horse would go off on its own playing music, but the horse would never work when turned on. My Mum threw it out, but then it somehow ended back on the kitchen table, and when no one was at home.
My Mum was in what we call the "scary room" of the house because you heard strange things when you were in it. Sometimes when your in the bathroom you would hear someone talking in her room, but no one would be in there. When she was setting up the computer she heard a woman screaming through the speakers that werent plugged in yet! We heard footsteps and counter doors open and shut.
My Mum called a medium, and they said it was her uncle who was trying to tell her something. We are still unsure if that is who it was."
Our thanks to our reader for sharing these experiences with us. We appreciate it, and hope that by sharing these types of events others who may be experiencing something similar can take some comfort in knowing that they are not alone. Have you experienced something that may be ghost related in Fergus? If so, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Your privacy will be protected, and confidentiality is assured.