
The Second Garrison Burial Ground is located here and memorialized by a stone monument in the centre of a park in the square. It is said that the cries of the British soldiers buried thousands of miles away from home can be heard at night in this parkette.

The following was sent in by one of our readers...

The correct name for St.Johns Square is Victoria Square Memorial Park. It contains within its borders the original 1794 Garrison Burying Ground,not the second Garrison Cemetery.There is an historical plaque in the park identifying the site. It is on the railing by the monument in the centre of the park. There are no hauntings associated with this site other than the stories of the spectral hoofbeats of Lieut. Col. Battersbys horses. The horses are in fact buried here, not in Clarence Square as the story states. For further information on the 1794 Garrison Burying Ground you might take a look at the articles by Michael J. Rudman in The York Pioneer magazine ( 1999 Vol. 94 ) , and the OHS Bulletin ( Issue 126 October 2000 ).

Photos by the Editor

Update: A few years ago, we did have other reports from a nearby playground but, they have yet to be confirmed. Still, I entreat anyone to visit and enjoy this wonderful park and memorial in Toronto. Well worth the visit.