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In January 2010 one of our readers wrote in to add the following:

"In regards to the Eglinton Cineplex, having been to many movies at this particular theatre, I find it interesting that it may be haunted. The area before the theatre and the mall existed was the site of the Scarborough GM plant. I believe that they made vans and trucks there. During WW II, the plant was taken over by the Army and used to produce military vehicles such as trucks, jeeps, tanks etc. I've heard that the whole area bounded by Eglinton, Warden, St. Clair and Pharmacy was closed to the public for national security reasons. Apparently there were a large number of tunnels built underground so that each building could be accessed underground. Many apparently are still there. As to what was there prior to the plant, I'm not sure, but it was probably farm land as such. I hope this helps."

Our thanks go out out to the writer for adding to this report. Perhaps the hauntings are tied into the area's past....