
The following is a first-hand account from a Hamilton reader on Dundurn Castle:

Dundurn is known in Hamilton for the ghost stories that circulate around Halloween, largely due to the Spectator and their seasonal write-ups. But there are some interesting things that happen there. If you ask the right staff members,they'll mention them.

A couple of years ago, we took the tour and in one of the rooms on the second floor there is a very fragile, old carpet upon which no one is allowed to walk. It's located in a very small, square room , and we lingered back from the rest of the tour to take our time looking at it. Suddenly, we noticed that right in the middle of the carpet, there were two small (ladies size 5 or smaller) bare foot marks. They were very distinct. We hurried and told the tour guide about the foot marks, who was very annoyed that someone had walked on the carpet. When she looked at the footprints she was very confused, and she said the only girl who worked there with feet that small had been on holidays for weeks and couldn't have left the marks that long ago.

We also mentioned something to the archeologist working on the castle and she said she didn't believe in the stories. Another guide who was listening asked her to tell us about the doll. Apparently there's an old doll in the castle that gets moved around all the time to the other rooms. It became so disturbing to the staff that the archeologist locked it in a desk drawer. We haven't toured since, but have visited the grounds since. Maybe you should take the tour and keep an eye out for anything peculiar.

Is Dundurn the home to a ghost or two? Maybe you have a similar story about this famous landmark... Please, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let us know about it.