
The following was sent in by one of our readers...

I did have an experience at an old school that was turned into apartments. It was in the late summer, during the afternoon , it was a beautiful sunny day. I happened to be walking down the fourth floor hallway on my way out. I was humming to my self when I heard someone say hello in a soft male voice , which I might say sounded very friendly. I turned around to return the greeting and there wasn't anyone there.

It wasn't anyone who was comming or going because I would have heard them being that the floor is hardwood and a little creaky. Another two incidents were had by my husband when one night while doing his rounds.

He got on the elevator on the 5th floor to go to ground floor, as he got to the 4th floor he heard singing , childrens voices singing London Bridge, now this was at 10:30pm when all the kids are at home because of curfew.

He searched the area and no one could be found. The second incident was that he happened to be in the boiler room , he had his side to the stairs and out of the corner of his eye he saw a shadow that floated down the stairs.

Other stories include children running in the 4th floor hallway laughing and carrying on but not seen, cigarette smoke being smelled in a unit that the original residents were nonsmokers as well as the new residents. This unit happened to be the teachers lounge.

A tenant comming home to find things moved , like chairs some furniture, books and nothing ever stolen . This unit was the Janitors room. This school was on an Amanda Marshall video, " I beleive in you". Schools, like theatres, seem to house many ghostly stories, not the least of which could be manufactured by students wishing to spin a good scare into their fellow classmates. This one, however transcends that bound.

We would love to hear anything anybody wishes to add to this story.

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