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 One of our reader's writes:

Its interesting to read about the negativity that the writers have submitted about these buildings. I moved into the area in winter 1998. I first noticed these buildings in spring of 1999 when I would walk or run through the park. I didn't know it was a former psychiatric hospital and assumed it was a part of an old college or some kind of residential school.

One Sunday afternoon in early spring in 2000, my mother, husband, friend and her boyfriend at the time went for a leisurely walk down and along the water through the marina and coming up through the park. It was the first time we decided to walk around the grounds of these old buildings and check out the buildings. It was before the renovations so the buildings were still in their neglected state At this time I was still unaware of the history of the buildings. When I approached the site I felt very drawn to it. I had this overwhelming sense that I felt so protected by the buildings. I remember we all stood there and stared at the buildings and each guessing what these may have been at one time (none of us were familiar with the neighbourhood at the time). I just stood there and had this overwhelming feeling to go inside and explore. I even dared my friend's boyfriend to break in there with me but of course, that didn't go over well with the rest of the party. As I stood staring I just felt like a protective barrier was all around me in a positive way - not at all negative or confining. The rest of the party actually had to drag me away and we walked on.

Later on in the week I took a stroll again down that way with my husband. I was surprised that I was drawn to an old 3 story house not too far from the former psychiatric site and that house gave me such a feeling of warmth and a feeling that I should be there for some reason. We just lingered outside and sat in the little children's play area right outside the house. I just stared up at the house and at every window that was within my view until finally my husband had enough of "hanging around" and demanded we leave.

I don't know if this house has any history or ties with the hospital but its something that I will look into one day.

I didn't find out the history of psychiatric hospital buildings until I heard they they will be renovated and part of Humber College. I was really surprised to learn that it was a hospital - a psychiatric hospital.

I never thought anything of the site after. Even now when I would go for a run and sometimes run through the grounds of the old hospital (sometimes at night in the dark - albeit it has always been well lit) I never get any sense of foreboding or negative feelings. In fact, the only reason I change my route and run through that area is if I happen to be running later in the evening and it gets too dark for me to run the other direction through the park - I go that way because I actually feel so safe running by the hospital. Yes, probably because of the fact its well lit BUT  I actually feel like there is something protective around there. That I will be safe.

I would like to thank our reader for sharing her positive feelings towards these wonderful historic buildings. It is certainly refreshing!