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Update November 2008

I was a student back at GCI in 1996 and I never did smell this smoke or heard any voices. Once I was at my locker on the fourth floor and school had just ended and my friends just went down the stairs to wait for me and I was just tapped on the shoulder.  I thought perhaps it was just one of my friends, but the closest person to me was all the way down the hall...I found that slightly odd, but didn't think much of it.

 Another occurrence was during an assembly in Tassie Hall...I was rather bored and was talking to my friend in the seat beside me, we got kinda loud and the teacher approached us and asked us to quiet down and when I turned around to respond to the teacher....I saw over his shoulder at the doorway what appeared to be a grey mist, perhaps smoke....but it clearly wasn't someone smoking.  From that day I knew there was something more to GCI then just the stories I was told....I really want to spend the night at GCI and do some investigating....I've also heard that the bell tower is suppose to be very haunted as well but I never did get up there.